Level 1 - Drawing Fundamentals
with Shelley Stunell

New students will learn the basics of drawing, shading, and perspective in six classes of instruction and directed studio work.
Instructor: Shelley Stunell
When: 1-3 pm Mondays & Wednesdays, April 13 through 29, 2015
Cost: $60 payable by cash or cheque to Pender Harbour Living Heritage Society. (Membership in the Society is encouraged: $10 single, $15 family.) Please bring your payment to the first class.
Location: Sarah Wray Hall (old Irvine's Landing School), 4334 Irvines Landing Road, Garden Bay, BC. (Corner of Hotel Lake Road & Irvines Landing Road.)
Registration Deadline: April 1, 2015
Maximum class size is 20.
Instructor: Shelley Stunell
When: 1-3 pm Mondays & Wednesdays, April 13 through 29, 2015
Cost: $60 payable by cash or cheque to Pender Harbour Living Heritage Society. (Membership in the Society is encouraged: $10 single, $15 family.) Please bring your payment to the first class.
Location: Sarah Wray Hall (old Irvine's Landing School), 4334 Irvines Landing Road, Garden Bay, BC. (Corner of Hotel Lake Road & Irvines Landing Road.)
Registration Deadline: April 1, 2015
Maximum class size is 20.
Class is full! Stay tuned for news of our next class. Subscribe to our email newsletter for updates!